What is International export and outbound logistics of goods? |

In the international export trade, goods and services, i.e., international export and outbound logistics, goods and services are sold and shipped out of the jurisdiction of the country and customs authorities. While exporting to developed countries, Bangladesh gets some tariff facilities. It is nothing but helping the developing countries in export trade and industrialization, on the other hand, they regulate some products to enter their country at a lower price. Currently, Bangladesh is enjoying tariff-free market access for 90 percent to 100 percent of products in all the developed countries except the United States. Tariff-free and low-tariff market access facilities in developed and some developing countries immensely benefited Bangladesh. Bangladesh High Commissioner to Ottawa wrote that quality of Bangladesh’s apparel products as well as the efficient supply-chain mechanism has largely contributed to doubling bilateral trade in a decade.

How Does the International ship and Port Facility Security Code Enhance Supply Chain Security?

 Each ship must develop a unique plan to protect against security threats. The plan must be approved by the ship’s flag state. Port facilities must also develop a security plan to protect port infrastructure. The plan outlines the responsibilities of port facility personnel and how to respond to potential security breaches. The ISPS Code introduces a three-tiered system of security levels: Level 1: Normal security measures, Level 2: Additional security measures due to an elevated threat level, and Level 3: The highest level of security measures is activated in response to a specific threat or a known risk. Each ship and port facility must appoint a Ship Security Officer (SSO) to maintain the security plan and coordinate actions with relevant authorities. Regular training and drills are mandated for both ship and port personnel to ensure personnel are well-prepared for potential security incidents. The code sets guidelines for information sharing and cooperation between all parties to enhance maritime security. The ISPS Code has significantly improved supply chain security, particularly in the global maritime industry. It reduces the risk of terrorist attacks and piracy, enhancing the security of ports that transport goods across international borders. It encourages risk mitigation and threat assessment, enhancing the security of cargo and fostering international cooperation. It improves monitoring and surveillance, requiring port facilities to implement surveillance systems and ships to be equipped with tracking systems. It requires both ships and port facilities to have contingency plans in place in the event of a security breach or a threat. It provides guidelines for the protection of critical infrastructure against physical attacks or other types of sabotage. The ISPS Code instills confidence in global trade and by ensuring consistent security maintenance using International ship and Port Facility Security Code.

Box Logistics, Containerization, Ports In A Global Shipping Network

Abstract Containers are the primary mode of transportation for maritime import and export flows, with 75% of total cargo carried by containers in developed areas of a global shipping network. Containerization allows for efficient distribution processes, and transshipment activities, such as warehousing, are integrated with production, distribution, and competitive supply chain strategies. Global Production Networks (GPNs) have become essential for […]

What is drop shipping: a supply chain distribution network option |

In drop-sip model, product is shipped directly from manufacturer end bypassing a retailer. Benefits of aggregation can be achieved, if the manufacturer can keep some of its inventory at the retailer end on and as needed basis. In addition, drop-shipping offers manufacturer an opportunity to postpone customization until the customer has placed order finally. Response times tend to be long, because the order has to be transmitted from retailer to the manufacturer and shipping distance are generally longer from the manufacturer’s centralizing site. Order visibility is very important in the context of manufacturer storage, because two stages in the supply chain are involved in every customer order. But a manufacturer storage network is likely to have difficulty handling returns, so that customer satisfaction may be hurt. Because, each order may involve more than one manufacturer.
Keywords: drop-shipping.

Vaccine Supply Chain Management in covid-19 perspective

It has been found that 27.97 million vaccines are being administered every day. But only 2.3% of people in low-income countries received at least a first vaccine by September 2021, according to official reports from national health agencies, which is collated by Our World in Data. Concerns exist about whether some countries producing vaccines may impose protectionist controls by export restrictions. So that it would stockpile a COVID 19 vaccine for their own population. In June, the Serum Institute of India – a major manufacturer of global vaccines – reached a licensing agreement with AstraZeneca to make 1 billion doses of vaccine for low-and-middle-income countries, of which half of the doses would go to India. This is an issue of supply chain management to manufacture and send it to the end-user.In the United States, restrictions on vaccine eligibility have been lowered. And wealthier individuals from other countries with unhurried vaccination rates were reportedly traveling to the United States to be vaccinated.

Tesla’s supply chain and logistics: A case study

The company was incorporated as Tesla Motors, Inc. on July 1, 2003, by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning. Eberhard verbalized he wanted to build a car manufacturer that is additionally a technology company, with its core technologies as the battery, the computer software, and the proprietary motor. Tesla Motors has become kenned for engendering well-designed and innovative electric conveyances. To assemble its cars, Tesla sources components from a range of Tesla suppliers. Some suppliers provide mundane car components; others provide electric conveyance components.

About procurement: Freight Prepaid related incoterm based on ICC amend. 2020.

Abstract “Freight Collect” & “Freight Prepaid” are two shipping terms, which show whether a consignee has the primary liability to the carrier for the shipping charges in a procurement process. EXW, FCA,  FOB, FAS, etc Incoterm used for “Freight Collect” shipment. Now, we would like to discuss Incoterm which can be used for different  “Freight Prepaid” shipments based on Incoterm of Sept 2019 published by ICC, also called 2020 amendment of incoterm. Keywords: International Procurement, Freight Prepaid, Freight collect, Incoterm, ICC, Amendment 2020. Article Introduction Transportation is one of the Drivers of the Supply Chain. The term Freight denotes transportation charges. The International Commercial Terms or INCOTERMS refers to whether the shipper/consignee […]