Supply Chain Management Career: A Discussion in general



In a case study, based on USA-based companies, first-level management is of about 0-4 years.To understand the supply chain management career we can remind ourselves about the example of leaf cutter ants.But Supply Chain Managers attempt and optimize the steps to produce the necessary amount of product and deliver the product to the end user at the right time when consumers need it.APICS, Founded in 1957 as American Production and Inventory Control Society and re-branded as The Association for Supply Chain Management in 2018, launched their CSCP (Certified Supply Chain Professional) programme in 2006. Institute for Supply Management, Founded in 1915 as the National Association of Purchasing Agents, launched its CPSM Certified Professional in Supply Management programme in 2008. Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, Founded in 1963 as the Council of Logistics Management, launched their SCPro programme in 2011.For Supply Chain Management roles, “Process Engineer”, and “Supply Chain Analyst”.For Supply Chain Systems Manager roles, “ Supply Chain Manager”, Vice President, Supply Chain Management”.For Sales and Customer Service roles, “Account Specialist”/ “Customer Service”, “Customer Service Manager”, “Account Manager/Supply Chain Sales” etc.

Keywords: Supply Chain Management Career.


There is a fascinating and diverse arena of Supply Chain Management. Talen In this arena, supply chain management career need to discuss in detail.Well educated and energetic managers have great opportunities there. In the USA, logistics alone accounts for more than $1.3 trillion in logistic activities such as transportation, inventory etc. In this era of globalization, other countries of the world also have great spending on supply chain and logistic areas.



Career Progression

In a case study, based on USA-based companies, first-level management is of about 0-4 years. They are Demand Planner, Project Planner etc. Mid-level management is about 5-10 years. Which is Master Production Scheduler, Sourcing Manager etc? And executive management is of about 11 years, such as Vice President of Global Logistics. New job descriptions you can find on the websites of companies, also job sites which is found in a supply chain management career.

Understanding the Career

To understand the supply chain management career we can remind ourselves about the example of leaf cutter ants. Those ants eat and take the tasty leaves to the queen. This is a process of taking the product to the end user. This is an innate nature of these ants. But human being lacks this innate nature. Supply Chain Managers strive to optimize production and delivery to meet consumer demand. While doing this operation and optimization process, they need to consider even regarding marketing and customer service.


Supply chain management career



SCM Certification

APICS, Founded in 1957 as American Production and Inventory Control Society and re-branded as The Association for Supply Chain Management in 2018, launched their CSCP (Certified Supply Chain Professional) programme in 2006. Three years after ISCEA’s CSCM. Institute for Supply Management, Founded in 1915 as the National Association of Purchasing Agents, launched its CPSM Certified Professional in Supply Management programme in 2008. Five years after ISCEA’s CSCM.Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, Founded in 1963 as the Council of Logistics Management, launched their SCPro programme in 2011. Eight years after ISCEA’s CSCM.

Requirements to be recruited

Companies need both experience and related education/Certification etc. Usually, companies have some choices for themselves. Some ask for MBA with Supply Chain course work, some ask for certifications, such as CSCM (Certified Supply Chain Manager), CPIM(Certified Purchasing Manager), CPIM(Certification in Production and Inventory Management) etc. Proficiency in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and software packages, such h as SAP, Oracle etc. are good to be recruited as a Supply Chain Manager. Sometimes, internships also help to some extent. The face interview requires a detailed orientation as well. And due to the cross-functional nature of the job, people management skill is required for mid-career job seekers.

Career selection factors

There are a few career selection factors. Some are intrinsic factors such as starting salary, flexible career path, work condition or job location, job security, work condition and security. Others are extrinsic factors such as Advancement Opportunity, Leadership Opportunity, responsibility,fast paced work,perceived future earnings, Contribution to Society, Challenging Work, respected profession etc.


Career shifts in the supply chain management industry

Promotions, quits, discharges are important issues because they can have a negative impact on operations and overall firm performance . Employees working in supply chain roles are no exception as they have been shown to contribute in establishing sustainable competitive advantage , which most firms cannot afford to jeopardize. Moreover, the direct cost of employee turnover can range from 20% to 150% of a transitioning employee’s annual salary . In addition, career shifts occur more often than what some might expect or might realize. A recent report from a longitudinal study from 1979 to 2011 of people born in the U.S. in the late 1950s and early 1960s i.e., baby boomers found the average person held 11 different jobs from age 18 to age 44 the median number of years that a worker in the U.S. had been with their current employer was 4.4 years, while the median employee tenure in the transportation and material moving occupation was 4.0 years. Before these issues become an even costlier burden on the SCM industry, it is important that businesses learn more about SCM careers in order to manage imminent career shifts and to provide satisfying SCM careers that in turn attract and retain exceptional talent.

Job Titles

Job titles are sometimes blurring the nature of job responsibilities. However, For Material and Procurement roles, “Material scheduler”, Materials Analyst/Manager”, “Procurement Analyst/Purchasing Manager” etc. designations are found. For Logistics Roles, “Logistics Analyst/Manager” etc. For Supply Chain Management roles, “Process Engineer”, and “Supply Chain Analyst”. For Supply Chain Systems Manager roles, “ Supply Chain Manager”, Vice President, Supply Chain Management”. For Transportation roles, “Transportation Manager”, “Fleet Manager” etc. For Inventory Management roles, “Inventory Specialist”, “Vendor Managed Inventory”/Replenishment Specialist” etc. For Operational roles, “Warehouse Operations Manager”, “Facilities Manager” etc. For Sales and Customer Service roles, “Account Specialist”/ “Customer Service”, “Customer Service Manager”, “Account Manager/Supply Chain Sales” etc. For consulting roles, “Supply Chain Analyst”, “Supply Chain Consultant”, “Project Manager”, “Directory of Client Management”/Engagement Manager” etc.

Supply Chain management jobs and career in Bangladesh

With disturbances to worldwide exchange, the request for experts specialising in supply chain administration has surged. And the industry is increasingly recognizing the importance of the role within the trade world. According to an observation, the assessed compensation for a Supply Chain is BDT 50,000 per month within the Dhaka, Bangladesh zone. This number speaks to the middle, which is the midpoint of the ranges.

Supply Chain Manager Jobs in USA

Supply Chain Manager Jobs are sometimes called as Logistics Manager, Inventory management, procurement management etc., while these jobs are available at manufacturing, government and communication industry also. Some retail, education and service sector have also supply chain management job opportunities. Job titles also can be as like as: Operations Manager, Transportation Analyst, Production Planner, Supply Chain Consultant, Buyer and/or Planner, Demand Planner, Inventory Analyst, Procurement Specialist, Purchasing Manager, Production Manager, Head of Supply Chain, Global Account Supply Chain Manager etc. You can expect to earn a median annual salary of $77,030, according to the US Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS) as a senior Sc manager.


Hope the above discussion sheds some light on the Supply Chain Management career. Regarding compensation/salary, we can check websites related to various careers, locations, positions etc. 


1.Sean Goffnett,Richard Divine,Zachary Williams,Robert Cook.(2013). “Understanding the Impact of Extrinsic
and Intrinsic SCM Career Choice Factors on Career Satisfaction”. Vol.6, DOI:
2.“CSCP Certification”APICS. Retrieved 2020-01-17.
3.“CSCMP new Supply Chain Certification”Logistics Mgmt. Retrieved 2020-01-17.


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